Photography seminars with photographer Tim Wallace. Background on his studio and location photography events that he gives both in the UK and Internationally.

Specialised Photography Seminars

Photographer Tim Wallace is the driving force and creative thinking behind the commercial photography company AmbientLife.

His work is often described as both conceptual and dramatic and he works internationally with many high-end automotive brands across the globe such as McLaren, Jaguar Land Rover, Peugeot, Mercedes and Ferrari. He is a photographer who is renowned for not only being very driven and creative about his own photography but also is very open in his approach to the business aspects of commercial photography within the marketplace today. With work having been published across the globe he has been referred to as one of the UK’s most creative photographers within his specialised field of photography.

For over 15 years Tim has given seminars on a varied array of subjects from location lighting through to studio-based work. He also talks on a regular basis about the 'business' side of his career to help others understand just what is required in this industry today and how to approach working in these sectors of the industry. Within his first year of business Tim was also honoured in the BBC North East 'Best New Business Awards' in the UK and won the 'Best New Creative Business Award', something that we are all extremely proud of especially during difficult times financially across the globe today and we think it pays great testament to his dedication and drive towards both our clients and his own work in the field of commercial photography.

Porsche 911 side profile in dark dramatic window light.

Background to our events across the globe

Tim's view on photography is very straightforward, he is a man who's known for his down-to-earth attitude, with his feet firmly on the ground he has a singular desire to produce creative work that has been driven from a very young age when he first picked up a camera, "Photography is for me simply a creative passion, the ability to use light and form to capture in a single image what I see in my own imagination…"

He is well-respected within the photographic industry not only for his 'working knowledge' of the industry but also for being very approachable and happy to work with others to greater understand and deal with the demands that photographers in today's very competitive and sometimes complex industry face. Since being asked in 2008 to be the first commercial photographer to hold a 'live shoot' seminar by Jaguar at their headquarters in the UK events have grown and he has gone on to give seminars with brand clients such Land Rover, and Morgan as well as attending global photography events to participate as an instructor to demonstrate both his approach and knowledge to help others. Tim is very well known for his class-based talks where he discusses the business and technical aspects of his work to help attendees progress their own businesses through a better understanding of what is achievable and how to approach the industry today.

Over the years Tim has also worked closely with companies such as Nikon where he has taken part in stage-based events and performed live shoots in Denmark with the camera manufacturer to launch some of their new models. He has given the opening talks for Nikon at events such as 'The Photography Show' in the UK, discussing his work on their main stage, through to working with Hasselblad where he has hosted 'Hasselblad Master Class' events that are based both in studio or on location to look at shooting and lighting.

Zurich Live Shoot Events | Porsche & Ferrari

Hasselblad Master Class Events

A behind the scenes view of a car photography seminar with Tim Wallace.
A behind the scenes look at a car being photographed in studio by car photographer tim wallace.

Dubai Live Shoot Events | Porsche & Ferrari

Speaking for Nikon | UK & Denmark

Photographer Tim Wallace on stage at a event taking for Nikon
Photographer Tim Wallace on stage at a event taking for Nikon
Photographer Tim Wallace on stage at a event taking for Nikon

US Live Events & Filming

A montage of images of photographer Tim Wallace doing seminars in then US with Kelbyone

Working with KelbyOne in the US

Tim has been a KelbyOne instructor for several years now and Scott Kelby described Tim as one of the most influential car photographers in the World today and Tim was invited to the US by Kelby and with their filming and production crew produced a set of one-hour long video tutorials that cover the in-depth aspects of the lighting of cars in photography, Tim's the approach to a shoot and the issues and solutions that can arise in different situations and working with just available light effectively. These video seminars are available online through KelbyOne and include in-depth lighting classes, business talks, photography and technique classes, in total over 18 hours of content learning.

Graphic of a Tim Wallace Business Class online
Graphic of a Tim Wallace Business Class online

Doing big client shoots is great but of course, you need the clients and shoots in the first place and many photographers starting out in their first few years' struggle. Commercial Photographer Tim Wallace recently completed a 2-part video business class with over 3 hours of advice on how to make those steps easier. This is based on over 30 years experience and is available to help photographers working in today's market. Tim has taught both photography and business all over the world from the US to the Far East and if you would like to gain some of that knowledge that he has built up over the years these classes are for you.

Photographer Tim Wallace seen giving photography seminars in the US
Photographer Tim Wallace seen giving photography seminars in the US

The video seminars have since proved a huge success and have received some great feedback from the tens of thousands of professional and amateur based viewers Worldwide who have used them to help them understand items from new lighting techniques to how to look at a scene and work to build up for a more atmospheric photographic capture. The videos also look at working with just one light for those who wish to try out and experiment in this field but have limited equipment available as well as some dedicated Photoshop retouching and digital processing classes. Tim is a regular guest at KelbyOne and continues to build on the catalogue of training videos available through his dedicated area on KelbyOne.