Peugeot launch 'Fractal'

This month saw the launch of the 'Fractal' photography on our client Peugeots global website. AmbientLife car photographer Tim Wallace shot the work for our client Peugeot a few months ago in preparation for their worldwide launch of the car. The Fractal concept car was launched at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 2015 and it represented a major capital investment in showcasing their new concepts and future technologies to a worldwide market so getting the right photography and media was very important. Tim worked very closely with Cream Production in Paris and the Peugeot design team of the concept car to shoot the photography element of the campaign over a 4 day period at the Peugeot Design Headquarters in Paris.

Concept and design image

Peugeot Global Website
Fractal Concept Car work by Photographer Tim Wallace

Client: Peugeot
Location: Peugeot Design Centre, Paris
Photography: Tim Wallace

Tim "Peugeot is a great client from my perspective as the design team is very strong indeed and they have great vision for how they want to sculpt the photography around their product and branding. At Peugeot it is very much all about 'emotion' so when they first approached me through their production company it was a very quick fit from a style point of view. Shooting any campaign is a large and involved process and shooting their new concept was something that I was personally very happy to be involved with. As with any type of worldwide campaign its crucial to ensure that everything is planned and worked out well in advance so that during the days of actual shooting the team can concentrate fully on creating and producing the photography that is required. I was very lucky to have Cream Production based in Paris taking control for this shoot, the team there are both dedicated and vastly creative and having such a well organised production house involved can really help to make sure that as a whole the project gets the very best result possible for the client."

Tim Wallace

Tim Wallace is an award-winning commercial photographer, shooting car photography, aviation photography, and truck photography for leading brands Worldwide

Mercedes Benz 2016 Calendar


MAN London Magazine Wallace Interview