New work for Pall-Ex

Commercial transport photographer Tim Wallace has been working alongside our client Pall-Ex for several years and this week we were out on location as part of a 4 day project to document their new vehicles and some new exciting delivery services that the company are in the process of launching at the moment. All the work being created will be exclusively used throughout the Pall-Ex corporate website as well as in marketing brochures and campaigns over the coming months.

Truck photographer Tim Wallace

Tim -"This has been really enjoyable to work with the Pall-Ex team on projects and its always great to take on a brief like this where you literally have a blank canvas to work onto. Pall-Ex has a super marketing team as you would expect and the whole project was planned out over a quite short period of time with everybody working together as a team on the shoot. We did have quite a lot of material to get through to produce the required assets for the new global Pall-Ex website and we all are really looking forward too seeing that go live shortly. The shoot itself was split over different sections that concentrated on the core elements of the business and its model. We began shooting on the MIRA proving ground to allow myself to shoot and create the dynamic truck shots, all of this being shot from a moving chase vehicle where I was harnessed in shooting back onto the target tractor trailer unit as we moved around the proving ground circuit. Shooting chase is never easy but its something that I have been doing now for a great many years and with cars its reasonably straight forward to get the target vehicle and chase in the right positions. With large tractor trailer units it is another matter and there is a lot of two way radio traffic going on as well as hand signals from time to time to try and ensure that we get the vehicle up to the correct shoot speed and in the correct position to shoot before we run out of track, these vehicles are not rapid on acceleration so planning and knowing what your limits are are very important indeed. Following our work on the proving ground we then looked at warehousing through to actual process and delivery before picking up on some 'lifestyle' type work around key staff and area's such as customer service to ensure that our client had a 'real human' face to the business and to represent in the best way the excellent service and support that they offer."

Truck photographer Tim Wallace
Pall-Ex advert
Tim Wallace

Tim Wallace is an award-winning commercial photographer, shooting car photography, aviation photography, and truck photography for leading brands Worldwide

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