New Client Electra

This month we would like to welcome Electra Commercial Vehicles as a new client.
Electra is a UK based company with the vision to provide the commercial vehicle operator the clean, zero emission solution for city centre deliveries. Commercial photographer Tim Wallace spent some time with Electra last week to create a suit of new image assets for the company to use in marketing and on their new website that will launch very soon.

Truck photographer, Tim Wallace.

Electra - The Future Now
World Class Technology, Electra uses Tier One OEM world class suppliers to produce its 100% electric vehicles. They pass the most stringent environmental and quality standards in the world of manufacturing and supply.
Electra has concentrated its effort to bring to market 100% electric vehicles to reduce the impact vehicles have in city centres with the highest environmental impact. Issues of noise and exhaust emissions are utmost on the problem list of transport managers and vehicle operators. Electra has prioritised low entry chassis units from Mercedes Benz Econic and Dennis Eagle Elite as these are commonly the chassis of choice for delivery operators in the city.

In addition to the new trucks under build by Electra, we also recognise the opportunity to re-power existing vehicles which may not meet future exhaust emissions legislation or city requirements for clean air.
All Electra technology and knowhow can be fitted to existing vehicles ranging from Euro 3 to the latest Euro 6 technology. The process is simple enough, they remove the engine, gearbox, exhaust system, fuel tanks and ad blue systems and replace them with their proven technology. Battery packs are totally custom made, allowing for short or long range operations and all body work and power requirements can be catered for with electric drive.

Tim Wallace

Tim Wallace is an award-winning commercial photographer, shooting car photography, aviation photography, and truck photography for leading brands Worldwide

New Client Veolia


HIOWAA Rapid Response