New Client Cox Powertrain

This week we would like to 'officially' welcome a new client to AmbientLife, Cox Marine Ltd. Our relationship with Cox Powertrain Ltd actually began a number of months ago and photographer Tim Wallace has been working closely with the company as they prepare to launch a brand new revolutionary marine engine into the Worldwide market in 2018. Because of the nature of the some of the photography that Tim has already shot for our client we were unable to mention or show any of that work and indeed the engineering side of the photographic work that Tim has completed will remain under embargo until late in 2017.

Outboard engine in hanger with helicopter

Tim has been working alongside Cox Powertrain Ltd again this week and this latest shoot was across a few days and was very much centred on the human element of the business as well as capturing the full size prototype of the new CXO300 engine.
We can show you this as this has been recently on display at marine events across the world such as the Cannes Yachting Festival last month. We look forward to working very closely with Cox Powertrain Ltd over the following two years as they prepare for the worldwide launch to the marine sector of an truly inspirational and innovative new engine design.



The Opposed Piston Engine concept was conceived by Formula 1 motor racing designer David Cox, who founded the British company in 2008. His vision to develop a low weight, high power, single fuel diesel engine with worldwide and multi-market applications, is now moving closer to reality. Cox Powertrain has taken recognised engineering concepts and combined them to create a compelling patent position.

The CXO300 engine has increased responsiveness, fuel efficiency and heightened safety that are all combined in an engine that outperforms conventional diesels. Its reduced size and weight belies the power from a four cylinder, eight piston supercharged 2-stroke diesel engine that weighs in with an impressive 300hp. A 3.6 litre capacity and reduced mass means there is no compromise on power compared to conventional diesels of similar power output, as well as being more efficient and safer to store than comparative output gasoline engines.

Power 300HP - The highest power density diesel outboard engine ever developed
Weight 300KG - Equivalent to petrol outboards of same power
Lifecycle 6000HRS - Equivalent to diesel inboards of same power

Pioneering motor sport engineer David Cox took his Formula 1 concept of opposed piston architecture and was the first to apply it to a marine outboard engine. The result is the same power density in a smaller, lighter package as the CXO300 provides all the power of a diesel inboard with the convenience and flexibility of an outboard.

COX Marine CEO portrait
Tim Wallace

Tim Wallace is an award-winning commercial photographer, shooting car photography, aviation photography, and truck photography for leading brands Worldwide

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