AmbientLife Commercial Photography

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New work for Totus

This month we were back in studio for our client Totus to shoot the largest vehicle ever attempted in a UK studio, The Disab Centurion
The shoot was the third we have done for Totus, previously shooting two of their other specialist vehicles in studio for marketing and corporate website use.

Totus Environmental Ltd
In the early part of 2019 we were approached by Totus who were seeking some high-quality studio photography of two new vehicles that they had developed, the Muller, and the KOKs. The photography was to be used in both brochures and commercial advertising as well as at special display events and shows. Commercial transport photographer Tim Wallace worked closely with the company over the last year and last week he was back in studio in the UK to create the image assets for their largest new fleet vehicle, the Disab Centurion.

This was no simple task to shoot this very large vehicle, indeed the Centurion which is the largest vehicle ever to be attempted 'in studio' in the UK so the shoot was quite a challenge, however Tim had spent months planning how it could be achieved and were happy to report that all the completed work has now been delivered to our client and they are very happy indeed. We will be working closely with Totus over the coming months where we will be shooting further commercial work as they prepare to launch a new corporate website.